Pictures: Blue Jays Come to Visit

Blue Jays at the feeder

I decided to learn more about photography, and one of my tools to help was to set up a bird feeder in my backyard. All the birds landing on the feeder and flying around the yard offer lots of opportunities to get some practice in. I have a few sets of pictures on my Flickr account now with various bird (and other nature) pictures.

Last weekend a few Blue Jays visited for a while and offered plenty of chances to get some good shots. Up to that point the Blue Jays in the area had been very difficult to get a good picture of. Any time I got close to a good position to get a good shot, they would bolt.

Here's an animated GIF of one of them doing a dance at the feeder.

Blue Jays at the feeder  - animated GIF

And here's the full set of Blue Jay pictures I have.