Preview: Steve Carrell and Keira Knightley in a Comedy about a Comet Hitting Earth

Steve Carell and Keira Knightly are starring in the comedy ‘Seeking a Friend for the End of the World’ which is about a comet hitting the earth. It is 2012 afterall. And it is the directorial debut of Lorene Scafaria the screenwriter for "Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist".

ScreenRant adds a bit more background

“Indie” can sometimes be synonymous with “excessively quirky” or “annoyingly twee,” but Seeking a Friend for the End of the World so far looks to both have an indie feel and strike a nice balance between its comedic and serious elements.
Usually, a world-ending events is (for obvious reasons) the sort of plot device that drives a dramatic story about people seeking reconciliation and redemption before the end of times (a la Last Night, Melancholia, etc.), so Scafaria’s more light-hearted approach feels all the more refreshing and innovative by comparison. For similar reasons, it’s nice to see that Carrell and Knightley’s relationship in the film will be more platonic and almost father-daughter like, rather than forcibly romantic.
Here's the trailer: