Study: Why You Post Things On Facebook You Will Later Regret


This study is great. Here's the outline and conclusion:

We investigate regrets associated with users’ posts on a popular social networking site. Our findings are based on a series of interviews, user diaries, and online surveys involving 569 American Facebook users. Their regrets revolved around sensitive topics, content with strong sentiment, lies, and secrets.

Our research reveals several possible causes of why users make posts that they later regret: 

(1) they want to be perceived in favorable ways,

(2) they do not think about their reason for posting or the consequences of their posts,

(3) they misjudge the culture and norms within their social circles,

(4) they are in a “hot” state of high emotion when posting, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol,

(5) their postings are seen by an unintended audience,

(6) they do not foresee how their posts could be perceived by people within their intended audience, and

(7) they misunderstand or misuse the Facebook platform.

Some reported incidents had serious repercussions, such as breaking up relationships or job losses.

We discuss methodological considerations in studying negative experiences associated with social networking posts, as well as ways of helping users of social networking sites avoid such regrets.

I will add a few more reasons from personal experience:

  • I am exhausted and not thinking straight. Especially when there's a terrorist possibly running around the area at 5AM.
  • Times change. Something that was appropriate in June may not be appropriate in December for a variety of reasons.
  • I don't know what I've posted. An example is a picture I think is great, but I don't see something that is in the background. Usually with someone else doing something embarrassing and it is pointed out in comments.
  • Misspellings. Like Bangcock.
  • On a similar note… When I use Twitter I often put a series of tweets together without always explaining the later tweets are connected. This can lead to some tweets being taken on their own and they have a totally different context.
  • Posting to the wrong account! I've done that a few times on Twitter. Its not that the tweets are bad, but they may not be on a subject that group is interested in.